Our Expertise

Chief Medical Officer

Dr Corey Cunningham


Dr Corey Cunningham is a Fellow of the Australasian College of Sport and Exercise Medicine Physicians (ACSEP), having completed specialty training in Sport and Exercise Medicine. He is the current Censor in Chief, overseeing the ACSEP examination process.

He is also a Fellow of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners and holds a postgraduate Masters in Sports Medicine from the University of NSW.

Dr Cunningham’s experience includes working with elite teams across many sports, including rugby, soccer, rugby league, paralympic sport, rowing, sailing and golf.

He is currently Chief Medical Officer for the NSW Institute of Sport, the Australasian PGA Golf Tour, Football NSW and Western Sydney Wanderers FC.

He is part of the Tokyo 2020 Australian Olympic Games Team, having previously fulfilled medical roles in the Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Team as well as Rio 2016 and London 2012 Paralympic Teams.

Chief Executive Officer & Chief Scientific Officer

Dr Prof Kuldip Sidhu

BS (Med), PhD, GDipBA

Professor Kuldip S Sidhu has over 30 years of experience in stem cell biology and for many years was chair of the he University of NSW state-of-the-art Stem Cells Laboratory. 

With a focus on translating science into the clinic, Sidhu has developed patient’s–specific induced pluripotent stem cells from skin and converted them into neurons as a potential therapy for neurodegenerative diseases. Together with 2016 Noble Laureate, Prof Yamanaka, Sidhu published a paper in Nature in 2012. At the Prince of Wales Hospital, he then established a pioneering human stem cell lab introducing innovative technology for creating the first human stem cell line in Australia called Endeavour-1.

Sidhu’s research has been recognised with many honours and awards including the national award for outstanding research in 1981 & Pioneer in Medicine by SBMT USA in 2014.  

Sidhu has produced two books, eleven book chapters, eleven review chapters, two international patents many proprietary items and over one hundred sixty original research papers and abstracts in journal of repute, all dealing with mammalian cell and developmental biology including stem cells.

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